Did you wake up this morning wondering why you do everything for others and never do anything for yourself?
- No one teaches us how to make the right choices as adults.
- There is no set process to find personal happiness and build self-confidence.
- When you entered the workforce, maybe at that time everything seemed to be going well for you.
- Everything seemed possible, you were free for the first time.
- But little by little, over the years, subtle changes have occurred in your life, without you necessarily realizing it.
- Like for example stopping the sport for lack of time. Without realizing it, you may have started having difficulty making decisions, which has sacrificed precious time with your family or friends.
- Without noticing it, you began to lose your balance.
- And one morning you just woke up with this question “Why do I feel obligated to put others first?”
- Life events have taken you out of your way and you wonder how to find it again.
If your current life no longer suits you, it’s not too late to change it
- Some people don’t dare to ask for help. Others think they can’t be helped.
- They end up thinking (wrongly) that things can’t get better because they don’t deserve better than what they have today. Or that if they dare to assert themselves they will no longer be loved. Or that it is too late to make a change.
- Do not think that your situation is a fatality. There is a solution for every problem.
- You can change things and move towards a better future and a better version of yourself.
- Sometimes you just have to start by accepting that you deserve better and for that you need to be accompanied.
Imagine being completely in control of your life… …
- You feel that you are on the right track because you manage to make decisions without anxiety or fear while respecting yourself and others.
- You manage to listen and satisfy your needs in a positive way.
- This way of living has greatly improved your relationships with your family, your friends, your loved ones, with whom you are able to enjoy privileged moments again.
- The weight you had on your shoulders to constantly satisfy others is gone and you are no longer afraid to assert yourself.
- You have time to think about yourself, your goals and your dreams again. These no longer seem out of reach and you give yourself the means to achieve them without fear of failure.
- You simply feel light and happy.

My approach
Hello, my name is Florence and I am a Psycho Emotional Coach
- You are about to make a good decision, one that will greatly improve your life, that of being accompanied.
- Choosing to step out of your comfort zone can be frightening or destabilizing; making changes, modifying your automatic way of functioning are not always easy things.
- This is where I step in. Together we will discuss what is wrong with your life right now and we’ll work hand in hand to find your balance.
- It’s time to act. It starts with a phone call during which I will start by better understanding your current situation, in order to better be able to guide you for the future.
How can I help you ?
Stop putting others first
Develop your self-confidence
Learn to say no
How do we start ?
You contact me
We agree on an appointment
First session
Is coaching right for me ?
Coaching is right for you if
- You can’t enjoy life anymore and have been frustrated for a while
- You tried to make things better but nothing really changed
- You are motivated by the idea of carrying out the exercises that I am going to give you
- You want to know yourself better
- You are determined to change things